Partner with us to open a local Spear centre and support local young people to overcome barriers and enter employment.
Chat to our expert coaches about shaping your internal culture and deepening your external impact.
Mobilise is a gathering in London of church leaders and social transformation leads from across Resurgo‘s existing network and beyond.
Come and be equipped on Wednesday 26th June, re-envisioned and refilled for social action in your church’s context.
Why the Church?
We believe the church has a key role to play in the transformation of society.
Many practical benefits (including building space, local community connections, and a willing congregation of volunteers), coupled with a missional focus to respond to human need and tackle injustice, place it perfectly to deliver our employment support programmes Spear and Re-Work. Partnering with the local church also provides great opportunity to scale sustainably.
All of our work is explicitly non-proselytising, suitable for and welcome to people of any or no faith.