Impact consulting

B-Corp Certification

B Corp Certification and Recertification

Wondering how to (re)certify with the new B Corp standards taking effect?

Get help from our expert consultants in these two areas:

Workplace Culture

Wanting to develop your workplace culture?

Whether you’re wanting to increase psychological safety or employee engagement, we’ll work with you to plan and deliver, using our highly engaging, practical coaching approach that’s been shown to yield results that stick.  

Workforce Development 

Considering Impact Business Model certification?

We’ve been coaching and supporting underserved young people into employment for over 20 years, so our consultants are well placed to help you figure out who you want to hire, and to implement the package of training and support they need to thrive at your company.  

Without Resurgo we would not have been able to develop the strategic approach to unlocking social value we now have. We’re left with a plan we’re excited about but also a level of confidence in moving forward that would otherwise have been missing. I would urge the leadership of any business taking their social impact responsibilities and ambitions seriously to bring in Resurgo.” 

Senior Leadership Staff Member in B-Corp Property Management

[Resurgo] listened, challenged and encouraged at every step, and put in just the right amount of support & guidance to enable us to really get the job done, without feeling either too lonely nor too crowded.  The result is that we have a really clear mission, we know who we’re here for, we’re committed to some proper outcomes, we know how we’re going to do it.

Annie Gale, Ready And Working (RAW) Talent Manager, COOK